As coerced by the writing magazine, I researched and purchased a writing device called the “Neo” by Alpha Smart. It is basically the writing version of the Kindle. Rather what the Kindle is to reading the Neo is to writing. A simple dedicated device to output writing and not be distracted by the internet or social networking sites. Just simple typing and either uploading into word processor of choice or directly plugging into printer and printing as a stand alone. This device runs on three AA batteries per year on average and weighs very little so I can take this solid little helper anywhere. The Neo has really multiplied my output. This is the first blog to be written on the device so we’ll see how easily it goes, but as far as writing lyrics and chapters the Neo is superb. On a writing related note I have completed four chapters of my upcoming book about ME. My favorite subject! Publishers are already interested. Finally people can access the nitty gritty bizarre development of my ...
Cheers old friend