Greg Giraldo Rest in Comedy Heaven.

When I got notice of Greg Giraldo dying I felt I had to write a few words out of respect. I will point out from the start that I have never met Greg, but he has won my respect following him over the years through his television appearances.
On the stand up circuit Greg has been active for many years, but it is his consistent delivery of killer material on the “Comedy Central Roasts” series that has built a following for him that continued to grow. The team of Jeffrey Ross and Greg Giraldo on any roast is the A-list of harsh comedy writing that makes every appearance one of the best anyone’s ever seen.
With a fearless attack on stereotypes, rumors, habits, and lies he has crafted some of the funniest harshest truthful material on the comedy scene.

Vintage Greg Giraldo:

“Larry the Cable Guy, this is exciting. I have never roasted a fake character before. Maybe next year we can roast Sponge Bob Square Pants…Larry, you gravy sweating cousin fucker.”
“Jeffrey Ross, how fat do you plan on getting? You’re like “The Curious Case of Benjamin Glutton.”
“Gregory Hamilton, you’re like “Tang”. You’re dry , you’re orange and nobody’s given a fuck about you since 1968.”

Greg represented the unapologetic raw commitment to a joke that is the breath of life in the ever increasing politically correct culture we are smothered by.
Let Greg Giraldo be remembered for his work.

“Hasselhoff, your liver is so shriveled, black, and dead if you put your ear to your side you can here it go, “What you talkin’ bout Willis.”

It was an honor to discover you BEFORE your death. Unlike Mitch Hedberg.

May you both rest in the eternal comedy heaven where everyone laughs at themselves and even harder at those around them.


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